Climate Change Wrath

by John Holbrook Jr.
A Biblical View, Blog #122, posted February 22, 2021, edited March 10, 2021.

Yesterday, in the right hand column of its front page, the New York Times (NYT) attributed the unusual weather which our country is experiencing to “Climate Change Wrath.” [1] I have never met Climate Change, and I certainly did not know that he gets angry and visits his wrath on people. I do, however, know someone who controls Earth’s weather and uses it to visit his wrath on sinful people and sinful nations. His name is GOD – the Almighty God who spoke Universe into existence[2] and sustains it with the power of his Word.[3]

In my blog of September 25, 2020 entitled “Climate Change – its reality and cure,” I explained that the Bible indicates the extent to which God controls Earth’s weather. The latter is not determined by Mankind or Mankind’s devices which emit carbon monoxide and other gases that some scientists claim affects our weather. Recently, Bryan Fischer made the same point in a post in The Stand.[4] Using verses from the Bible’s Book of Job more gracefully than I did, he wrote:

As God makes clear to Job, He has total control of the sun, the wind, sea levels, and precipitation. He’s the one who “commands the morning” by causing the sun to rise (Job 38:12). He knows “where the east wind is scattered upon the earth” (Job 38:24). He’s the one who “shuts in the sea with doors” (Job 38:8), “prescribes limits for it” (Job 38:10), and says to it, “Thus far you shall you come, and no farther” (Job 38:11). He’s the one who enters the “storehouses of the snow” and “the storehouses of the hail” (Job 38:22), “brings rain on a land where no man is” (38:26), and “gives birth to the frost of heaven” (Job 38:29).

In my blog, I also identified the types of human behavior which invite God’s wrath. At the top of my list is abortion, the killing of unborn babies, who are the most vulnerable and defenseless of God’s creatures.

Interestingly, just below its article on “Climate Change Wrath,” the NYT positioned another article entitled “Lack of Birth Control Deepens Women’s Burden in Venezuela,” which describes the unavailability of birth control medications and devices that either prevent or terminate pregnancies. The lack of birth control measures is due to the collapse of Venezuela’s economy[5] under its socialist regime. As a result, Venezuela’s women are increasingly resorting to illegal abortions to terminate their pregnancies.

There we have it. Albeit inadvertently, I am sure, the NYT placed (a) the cause of Earth’s unusual and unruly weather, someone’s WRATH, and (b) one of the causes of that wrath, someone’s SLAUGHTER OF THE INNOCENTS, adjacent to one another, on the same page and in the same column on that page.

Seeing the connection between the destruction that is being visited on us and the death that we are visiting on our unborn children is essential if we hope to avoid further harm from the weather, which is but a tool in the hands of an Almighty God who rewards people who honor him and his commandments and punishes people who dishonor him and disobey his commandments.

© 2021 John Holbrook Jr.

[1] The by-line following the headline, “Storms Exposing a Nation Primed for Catastrophe,” New York Times, Sunday, February 21, 2021.

[2] Genesis 1:1-31.

[3] Hebrews 1:3.

[4] Fischer, Bryan, “Environmentalists Don’t Have a Climate Problem – They Have a God Problem,” The Stand, American Family Association, February 18, 2021.

[5] In 1950, Venezuela was the fourth richest-per-capita nation in the world.

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