Another warning

by John Holbrook Jr.
A Biblical View, Blog D127 posted on October 21, 2021.

The alarming deterioration of the USA is accelerating and becoming increasingly noticeable. Rather than repeat what I have written previously on the subject, I refer my readers to a recent and excellent article by Tom McDonald on the American Family Association’s The Stand. It is entitled “America’s Onrushing Collapse!” (see Do not miss it.

© 2021 John Holbrook Jr.


Gender Choice – A Dangerous Delusion

by John Holbrook Jr.
A Biblical View, Blog #123 posted May 2, 2021, edited 2022-11-23.

1. Preamble

Another pathogen has entered American culture with the rise of the Transgender or Gender Choice movement (I prefer and will use the latter name because it better reveals the critical flaw at the movement’s core). The proponents of Gender Choice claim that a person’s gender is a matter of choice. They argue that gender is not a biological fact, but rather a mental construct, and they demand that a person be free to change his or her gender at will. They also argue that society’s traditional recognition of only two genders, male and female, is solely the result of cultural conditioning, and that a person should be free to choose other alternatives. Although I cannot imagine what these alternative might look like, I am certain that they will be grotesque.

This pathogen has already ruined many lives and is destined to ruin countless more. It needs to be exposed, repudiated, and eradicated as quickly as possible.

2. Gender Reality

The binary reality of human gender has been evident to Mankind since God presented Eve to Adam in the Garden of Eden roughly 6,000 years ago, As late as the end of the 20th century, any two-year-old knew the difference between boys and girls. Now, a mere twenty years later, even many educated adults do not [1] – alas, not a healthy sign for the future of the human race. They completely ignore the testimony of our Creator, our Science, our Senses, and our Common Sense.

● Our Creator declares in his Word, the Bible, “…God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created them, male and female created he them” (Genesis 1:27). Here, our Creator clearly tells us that there are only two genders, male and female.

● Our Science – in this case, microbiology – reveals that each organism’s genome or DNA provides the information for its development from a single zygote (fertilized ovum) to a living and breathing creature. The human genome consist of 23 pairs of chromosomes, of which one pair determines a person’s sex and sexual development. Two “x” chromosomes produce a female. One “x” chromosome and one “y” chromosome produce a male. Each creature’s genome is unique. It is carried in every cell of its body and remains immutable throughout his or her life. It cannot be changed.[2] Here, our Science clearly tells us that there are only two genders: male and female.

● Our Senses detect that each baby is born with either male or female genitalia, which can be see with our eyes and touched with our hands. Here, our Senses clearly tell us that there are only two genders: male and female.

● Our Common Sense tells us that nearly all living species are divided into two genders, male and female. As we move through life, we encounter representatives of other species that differ in many characteristic – form, size, weight, strength, color, abilities, etc., but they all share one fundamental characteristic: all species are divided into two genders: male and female. Moreover, we quickly perceive the reason for two genders: they are necessary for reproduction. When a male ejects his sperm into a female and the sperm merges with an egg in her uterus, a new member of the species is conceived. After a period of gestation, it leaves the mother’s womb and emerges into the world as a male or female infant. None of the foregoing is rocket-science. It is a common occurrence. It is obvious to everybody. It is known by everybody. Here, our simple Common Sense tell us that there are only two genders: male and female.

● Regarding the foregoing, I must note an exception. In very rare cases, genetically abnormal children are born with both male and female sexual characteristic. They are called hermaphrodites or mixed-sex babies, of which there are two types: (1) Sometimes, two eggs are present, with one egg being fertilized by a female or X chromosome and the other being fertilized by a male or Y chromosome. Usually this leads to fraternal twins of different sexes, but occasionally the two eggs fuse and produce a mixed-sex baby. (2) Sometimes during cell-division, a sperm’s sex-determining region moves from the Y chromosome to the X chromosome, where it remains and produces a mixed-sex baby. In both cases, I believe that medical attention and therapy are appropriate; they have actually become quite sophisticated and successful. Again, however, I regard the use of medical therapies on genetically normal children to be, not just inappropriate, but pernicious. That is not the type of treatment which they need.

3. Gender Fantasy

To deny gender reality is to engage in and promote gender fantasy, which will have many pernicious consequences. Reader, please think carefully about some of the certain consequences of this fantasy. Four of the most obvious are the following:

● The acceptance of Gender Choice will further erode our society’s already tenuous grasp on reality. When people are continually indoctrinated in false doctrines,[3] they lose their ability to distinguish between reality and fantasy, which is a good definition of insanity. Again alas, America shows many signs of going insane. Tens of millions of Americans are adopting false doctrines that have not worked in the past, are not working in the present, and will not work in the future, and then they are demanding that others affirm these doctrines under threat of fine and imprisonment. This phenomenon can only be categorized as a symptoms of madness and indicates, whether or not we acknowledge the fact, that we are collectively headed for a mental breakdown. No person or community can ignore reality for very long and survive.

● The person who acts on Gender Choice will not only be confused about the most fundamental and important distinction in his or her life, but will actually be harmed by it. A person’s gender is not skin deep. It permeates his or her body, mind, and spirit. Males and females have different physical, mental, and emotional characteristics, and I suspect different spiritual characteristics as well. They have been designed by God to complement one another, to delight in one another, and, within the confines of a life-long, heterosexual marriage, to produce and raise children together. As boys and girls are developing from infancy to maturity, they should be guided by their parents, grandparents, older siblings, aunts and uncles, teachers, doctors, and pastors to adopt the attitudes, desires, and behavior that are appropriate to their sex, thereby instilling in them the desire to become the man or woman whom God intended them to be. If they show signs of gender confusion, however, they should not be encouraged to adopt the attitudes, desires, and behavior of the opposite sex. Rather, they should be discouraged from doing so and given special attention and guidance in this regard.

● If society accepts the claims of biological males that they are females trapped in male bodies, the latter will be given ready access to female bathrooms, locker rooms, and showers, which will certainly result in soaring cases of sexual abuse. Men, is this what you want for your wives? Women, is this what you want for yourselves? Parents, is this what you want for your daughters? If it is, you need to recognize that you are willingly putting women and girls in harm’s way, which is not a loving thing to do, but rather a vicious thing to do.

● Also, if society accepts the claims of biological males that they are females trapped in male bodies, the latter will be allowed to compete in and dominate every level of female sports that require strength and endurance – not just sports in schools and colleges, but professional sports and international competitions like the Olympic Games, the European Games, the Pan-American Games, etc. Consider the lure of prize money in such events as the four major tennis tournaments – the Australian Open, the French Open, Wimbledon, and the U.S. Open – where the average purse for a female winner was over $3 million in 2019. To men who cannot beat Roger Federer, Rafael Nadal, and Novak Djokovic, the lure of Gender Change will be irresistible.

 4. Christians

Brothers and sisters, you may dismiss Gender Choice as a foolish fad, but you must not stand aside passively, just shaking your head, while this devastating psychological and physical assault on young people is underway and growing. I beg you to do the following:

● First, recognize the sheer evil of Gender Choice, because the lives of many young people are at stake. Already many of them have been ruined by (a) misguided acceptance of opposite-sex behavior by a parent, (b) sex-change propaganda in school and elsewhere that renders them uncomfortable with their biological sex, (c) inoculation with hormones of the opposite sex, thereby frustrating their bodies’ ability to develop normally, particularly during puberty, and (d) mutilation of their genitalia by surgeons, thereby leaving them scarred for life.

● Second, resolve to do something about Gender Choice, because others are in harm’s way and need your help. Proverbs 24 warns, “If you faint in the day of adversity, your strength is small. Rescue those who are being taken away to death; hold back those who are stumbling to the slaughter. If you say, ‘Behold, we did not know this,’ does not he who weighs the heart perceive it? Does not he who keeps watch over your soul know it, and will he not repay man according to his work” (ESV)? Edmund Burke reduced the biblical warning to the following admonition: “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” [4] Let us gird up our loins and enter the fray.

● Third, you must actually do something to stop Gender Choice. Speak up. Confront the parents, teachers, and doctors who are encouraging and enabling young people in this dangerous delusion. You may find that some of them are merely misguided and have not considered the downside of what they are doing. They may be open to persuasion. You will also encounter others of them who know exactly what they are doing and are determined to keep doing it, no matter what we say. Confront them. Expose them. Make it difficult, if not impossible for them to keep doing what they are doing. In addition, write your representatives in federal, state, and municipal governments and insist that they enact and enforce laws that put a stop to Gender Choice.

● Most important, if you encounter young people who are confused about their gender, show them what Christian love, compassion, and friendship look like. If they are boys, talk to them about what it is like to be a man, husband, and father in this world. If they are girls, talk to them about what it is like to be a woman, wife, and mother in this world. Be truthful. Describe the full experience that awaits them, including its joys and sorrows its satisfactions and difficulties, and its victories and defeats. Assure them, however, that God has designed them for these roles in life and will give them all the assistance they need to flourish in them. Men, do not be afraid to talk to the girls. Women, do not be afraid to talk to the boys. After over sixty years of marriage, I love, respect, and admire my wife and can talk as much about her experience as I can about my own. Also, do not be afraid to talk about mistakes. None of us is perfect. We are all sinners. We all make mistakes, but we learn from our mistakes and can help others avoid them. Above all keep in mind that the goals here are to connect with these youngsters and to give them an accurate picture of reality – not fantasy.

● Lastly, pray to God that he will give you the all the wisdom, courage, sensitivity, and strength – the knights of old might say might and main[5] – that you require to do all of the above. I will pray to God that he hears your prayers.

 © 2021 John Holbrook Jr.

[1] That one of them currently occupies the White House is stunning.

[2] Since Jennifer Douglas’s invention of a method for dicing and splicing DNA strands, microbiologists have started tinkering with the human genome in the hope of “improving” it. Because they do not believe that God exists, they are unaware that they are trespassing on God’s territory. I anticipate that the results of their efforts will be negative, if not catastrophic.

[3] Some false doctrines that immediately come to mind are atheism, biological evolutionism, geological uniformitarianism, socialism, communism, systemic racism, and climate change attributed to human behavior.

[4] In a letter addressed to Thomas Mercer.

[5] A wonderful, Old English phrase that I learned from reading books about the chivalric days of yore, when men like King Arthur, Lancelot, Galahad, Gawain, El Cid, and Walter Scott’s fictional Ivanhoe rode to the aid of the weak and vulnerable.

Climate Change Wrath

by John Holbrook Jr.
A Biblical View, Blog #122, posted February 22, 2021, edited March 10, 2021.

Yesterday, in the right hand column of its front page, the New York Times (NYT) attributed the unusual weather which our country is experiencing to “Climate Change Wrath.” [1] I have never met Climate Change, and I certainly did not know that he gets angry and visits his wrath on people. I do, however, know someone who controls Earth’s weather and uses it to visit his wrath on sinful people and sinful nations. His name is GOD – the Almighty God who spoke Universe into existence[2] and sustains it with the power of his Word.[3]

In my blog of September 25, 2020 entitled “Climate Change – its reality and cure,” I explained that the Bible indicates the extent to which God controls Earth’s weather. The latter is not determined by Mankind or Mankind’s devices which emit carbon monoxide and other gases that some scientists claim affects our weather. Recently, Bryan Fischer made the same point in a post in The Stand.[4] Using verses from the Bible’s Book of Job more gracefully than I did, he wrote:

As God makes clear to Job, He has total control of the sun, the wind, sea levels, and precipitation. He’s the one who “commands the morning” by causing the sun to rise (Job 38:12). He knows “where the east wind is scattered upon the earth” (Job 38:24). He’s the one who “shuts in the sea with doors” (Job 38:8), “prescribes limits for it” (Job 38:10), and says to it, “Thus far you shall you come, and no farther” (Job 38:11). He’s the one who enters the “storehouses of the snow” and “the storehouses of the hail” (Job 38:22), “brings rain on a land where no man is” (38:26), and “gives birth to the frost of heaven” (Job 38:29).

In my blog, I also identified the types of human behavior which invite God’s wrath. At the top of my list is abortion, the killing of unborn babies, who are the most vulnerable and defenseless of God’s creatures.

Interestingly, just below its article on “Climate Change Wrath,” the NYT positioned another article entitled “Lack of Birth Control Deepens Women’s Burden in Venezuela,” which describes the unavailability of birth control medications and devices that either prevent or terminate pregnancies. The lack of birth control measures is due to the collapse of Venezuela’s economy[5] under its socialist regime. As a result, Venezuela’s women are increasingly resorting to illegal abortions to terminate their pregnancies.

There we have it. Albeit inadvertently, I am sure, the NYT placed (a) the cause of Earth’s unusual and unruly weather, someone’s WRATH, and (b) one of the causes of that wrath, someone’s SLAUGHTER OF THE INNOCENTS, adjacent to one another, on the same page and in the same column on that page.

Seeing the connection between the destruction that is being visited on us and the death that we are visiting on our unborn children is essential if we hope to avoid further harm from the weather, which is but a tool in the hands of an Almighty God who rewards people who honor him and his commandments and punishes people who dishonor him and disobey his commandments.

© 2021 John Holbrook Jr.

[1] The by-line following the headline, “Storms Exposing a Nation Primed for Catastrophe,” New York Times, Sunday, February 21, 2021.

[2] Genesis 1:1-31.

[3] Hebrews 1:3.

[4] Fischer, Bryan, “Environmentalists Don’t Have a Climate Problem – They Have a God Problem,” The Stand, American Family Association, February 18, 2021.

[5] In 1950, Venezuela was the fourth richest-per-capita nation in the world.

Veto Voting

by John Holbrook Jr.
A Biblical View, Blog #116 posted August 14, 2020; edited March 10, 2021.

“Veto Voting” is my term for voting against candidates who are running for public office – not for them.

Last week, I pointed out that, for over a century, our nation has been turning away from God and increasingly disregarding his commandments. Not surprisingly, it is now suffering from troubles of every kind (many of which are mentioned in Deuteronomy 28:15-67) to the point where I see it falling apart in plain sight. Nonetheless, the majority of us seem blind to what is going on – particularly elected officials in the executive, legislative, and judicial branches of government, who have been diluting our laws and law-enforcement to the point that nearly anything goes. Worse, we have begun calling evil good and good evil, which can only earn us more woes.[i]

For the last forty years, I have recognized that, if our nation is going to survive, we must turn away from our wicked ways and start honoring God and obeying his commandments. Unfortunately, during this period, I have experienced increasing difficulty finding candidates for public office of whom I can approve wholeheartedly, and I have not voted in favor of a candidate in many decades. Rather, I have voted against the least desirable candidates. Thus, my criteria for voting are formulated as negatives.

Regardless of how impressive a candidate for public office seems, he or she will not dissuade me from any of the following, which I regard as plain common sense:

First, I regard as unqualified for public office anyone who is in favor of allowing – let alone legalizing – abortion. If he or she does not know that every baby in a woman’s womb is a unique human being[ii] from conception onward, and thus that abortion is murder, he or she is not fit for public responsibility, let alone governing.[iii]

Second, I regard as unqualified for public office anyone who is in favor of allowing, let alone legalizing same-sex marriage. If he or she does not know (a) that God made humans male and female to complement one another and fit together physically, mentally, and spiritually, (b) that God instituted marriage as a sacred rite in which a man and a woman commit themselves before God, relatives, and friends to maintain a loving and life-long relationship, and (c) that God established the family as the social unit within which the married couple can, while delighting and supporting one another, procreate, raise, educate, and train children to become God-fearing, responsible, and productive adults, he or she is not fit for public responsibility, let alone governing.

Third, I regard as unqualified for public office anyone who is in favor of allowing, let alone legalizing parenting by same-sex couples. If he or she does not know that children need the love, attention, and mentoring of both a father and a mother in order to grow into normal, masculine men and normal, feminine women, he or she is not fit for public responsibility, let alone governing.

Fourth, I regard as unqualified for public office anyone who is in favor of allowing – let alone legalizing – sexual activity outside of marriage between a man and a woman. As I have indicated above, God has roundly condemned such behavior. If he or she does not know that these activities are (a) detrimental to individuals, families, and communities and (b) represent an open invitation to God to pour out his wrath on the society that permits them,[iv] he or she is not fit for public responsibility, let alone governing.

Fifth, I regard as unqualified for public office anyone who is in favor of penalizing individuals, businesses, or institutions that refuse to deal with those who break God’s laws – e.g. providing health-insurance coverage for abortions, making pastries for or catering at same-sex weddings, treating biological boys or men as females, or meeting any other demands of the enforcers of “political correctness.” If he or she does not know that such punishment is an egregious miscarriage of justice, he or she is not fit for public responsibility, let alone governing.

Sixth, I regard as unqualified for public office anyone who is in favor of allowing – let alone legitimizing illegal aliens – i.e. anyone who enters or is brought into the country by others without formal permission from immigration officials who are acting in accordance with federal immigration laws.[v] If he or she does not know that a nation cannot exist without secure borders, he or she is not fit for public responsibility, let alone governing.

Seventh, I regard as unqualified for public office anyone who is in favor of judicial activism – i.e. the practice whereby judges ignore the plain meaning of a law’s text and the obvious intentions of the law-makers who enacted it, and then interpret the laws of the land – in particular the U.S. Constitution – as he or she pleases – e.g. the Supreme Court’s astounding discovery of a hitherto unnoticed “penumbra” in our constitution that grants women the right to kill their own children.[vi] If he or she does not know that “interpreting law” is equivalent to “creating law,” which is the prerogative of the legislature alone, he or she is not fit for public responsibility, let alone governing.

Eighth, I regard as unqualified for public office anyone who engages in or encourages others to engage in disrespecting and maligning the occupants of public office at federal, state, and municipal levels – thereby frustrating their ability to govern. If he or she does not know that citizens of this country must always draw a sharp distinction between a public office and the person who holds it, he or she is not fit for public responsibility, let alone governing.

The foregoing criteria are not comprehensive, but they address the issues that are most responsible for the conflicts that are tearing our country apart. Thus, they are sufficient for determining the least qualified candidates for senior offices in federal, state, and municipal elections. I urge you to join me in veto-voting to ensure that such candidates lose.

© 2020 John Holbrook Jr.

[i] Isaiah 5:20.

[ii] There are no duplicate entities in Universe. Entities may share a common concept or design, which is an abstraction and only exists in the minds of thinking beings, but entities cannot share a common substance, which is concrete and occupies a unique position in the space-time continuum that is Universe. Thus, no two inorganic objects, such as drops of water, grains of sand, or snowflakes, are exactly alike, and no two organic objects (creatures), such as animals, birds, fish, humans, insects, etc., are exactly alike. The real world which we can see, hear, smell, taste, and touch is unique in every aspect. Thus, the space-time position in Universe that I entered at my conception and will leave at my death will never be replicated – in the past, in the present, or in the future. Only God and I know what it is like. That is why only God, who is my creator and sustainer, can also be my ultimate judge.

[iii] See Genesis 1:27; Job 31:15; Psalms 8:5-7, 22:10, 127:3-5, & 139:13-16; Isaiah 49:15; and Jeremiah 1:5.

[iv] See Leviticus 18:24-28; Romans 1:32; 1 Corinthians 6:9; and Ephesians 5:6-12. People who possess sinful sexual desires often try to justify their giving in to those desires by claiming that the Bible was written thousands of years ago, and that the men who wrote it were archaic, patriarchal, intolerant, etc. They should pay attention to the words of the Lord Jesus Christ in Matthew 5:17-19.

[v] If a person is willing to break the law in order to enter our country, he or she will not be loath to break our laws after getting here.

[vi] The Roe vs. Wade ruling astonished even some pro-abortionists among the legal fraternity, and it has been responsible for the slaughter of well over 70 million, helpless infants by a variety of gruesome methods. They have been scalded with saline solution, dismembered with scalpels, and beheaded with vacuum suction. Even worse, their remains have not been given a respectful burial, but instead have been sold by the abortionists to manufacturers of medicines and beauty lotions. The entire process must create an unholy stench which reaches up to high Heaven and demands vengeance from our Creator, who has a soft-spot in his heart for little children – Jesus said, “Let the little children come unto me…” (KJ21 Mark 10:14).

Some things that everyone knows

by John Holbrook Jr.
A Biblical View, Blog #104 posted September 2, 2019, edited March 10, 2021.

There are some things that everyone knows which fall under the rubric of common sense.  Until the 20th century, virtually everyone acknowledged them as givens in human life and based their aspirations and expectations upon them. A few examples will indicate the kinds of things to which I refer.

    1. Everyone knows that humans stand at the pinnacle of earthly species. Their welfare takes precedence over the welfare of any other class of life.[1]
    2. Everyone knows that humans and almost all other species are divided into males and females.
    3. Everyone knows that males and females are profoundly different. They exhibit (a) different designs and (b) different physical and behavioral characteristics, and they serve different roles in their specie’s communal life.[2]
    4. Everyone knows that, on average, males are considerably larger, stronger, and faster than females and, in most species, including mankind, are innately inclined to protect their mates, their children, and the more vulnerable members of their immediate community from attack by predators.
    5. Everyone knows that, on average, females are considerably smaller, weaker, and slower than males and, in most species, including mankind, are innately inclined to bear and nurture children and to assist their mates in protecting and providing for their children and the more vulnerable members of their immediate community.
    6. Everyone knows that these different characteristics and different roles of males and females normally result in patriarchal families.
    7. Everyone knows that patriarchal families normally result in patriarchal societies.
    8. Everyone knows that a baby growing in his or her mother’s womb will, after the appropriate period of gestation, emerge from her womb as an easily identifiable member of the parents’ species. Dogs produce dogs. Horses produce horses. Humans produce humans.
    9. Everyone knows that the baby emerging from a mother’s womb will be either male or female.[3]
    10. Everyone knows that every child will quickly notice and soon understand his or her gender and the expectations and aspirations associated with it. Male children will naturally emulate their father and their community’s patriarchs. Female children will naturally emulate their mothers and their community’s matriarchs. Among humans, most boys dream of being a princely hero who saves the community from predators and thereby wins the hand of the princess and most girls dream of being the princess who is carried off by the heroic prince. At the same time, boys and girls quickly learn that their lives will be less glamorous than their dreams. Not everyone can be a prince or a princess.
    11. Everyone knows (a) that a nation needs to be protected from exterior attack and invasion, interior criminality, fire, flood, and storm and (b) that men are best able to fill the positions of soldiers, sailors, airmen, marines, coastguardsmen, border-patrolmen, policemen, firemen, etc., all of which require strength, courage, and the ability to work within a carefully defined hierarchy, taking orders from a superior and dispensing orders to inferiors. A few women may have the ability to fill one of these roles, but they don’t belong in them, because they introduce a sexual component into the workplace which distracts the men from their mission and disrupts the male-bonding or sense of brotherhood that has always been recognized as an essential ingredient in any fighting force.
    12. Everyone knows that a healthy family or society will respect and honor the men and women who fulfill their roles diligently, faithfully, and humbly.
    13. Everyone knows that men and boys are easily aroused by the sight of even partially naked women and girls. Thus most parents – particularly mothers – taught their daughters to dress modestly in order to avoid the unwanted and possibly dangerous attention of men and boys.
    14. Everyone knows that alcohol strengthens sexual interest and weakens inhibitions of every kind. Thus, most parents insisted that their daughters avoid unchaperoned parties where alcohol was being consumed.
    15. Everyone knows that males and females need separate bathrooms and locker rooms in order to protect women and girls, not just from the prurient interest of men and boys, but from physical molestation by them as well.
    16. Finally, and perhaps most importantly, everyone knows that every child is born bad – that is, he or she is a little sinner, not a little angel – and will require years of benevolent and patient admonishment, encouragement, guidance, instruction, punishment, etc. from parents, pastors, pedagogues and perhaps even policemen before he or she exhibits a modicum of character, civility, concern for others, generosity, honesty, respect for the rules, etc. (If you happen to disagree with this assessment, just produce a mother that had to teach her child how to be bad. Also, see 1 John 1:8.)

I say again: All of the above is common sense. Excepting for the information concerning the chromosomes in the footnote to paragraph 9, no one needs to have it explained to him or her. One doesn’t need to read a book to learn about them. One learns it from just living and interacting with other people and animals. Indeed, if a teenager – let alone an adult – questioned any of it, one might reasonably conclude that he or she was a bit dim.

​During the 20th century, however, a confederation of radical groups flying the flag of “political correctness” began a coordinated effort to contradict the above verities and to prevent others from defending them. The radicals attacked the traditionalists’ rights to be treated civilly and respectfully, to speak their minds, to retain their jobs, and even to go on living. Under these vicious assaults, the majority of traditionalists, including many Christians, retreated into silence and allowed the radicals to promote their agenda, not just in the public square, but in churches and synagogues, offices, the military services, stores, etc. – even the schools. Four year old children in pre-kindergarten are now being taught the following:

    • There is no preferential order among species. The welfare of humans and the welfare of animals, birds, and fish are equally important.
    • Although there are only two gender categories within every other species on earth, there are many genders within mankind – – e.g. heterosexual men, heterosexual women, lesbians, gays, bisexuals, transsexuals, queers, etc. (a new gender category pops up nearly every month).
    • Each of us is free to choose whatever gender category we want. Indeed, we can even create a new category if we are unhappy with the categories already available.
    • There are no innate differences among genders.[4]

The results of this insane, “politically correct” crusade are all around us. American culture is confusing and collapsing. Discourse concerning an ever increasing number of issues is becoming difficult – if not impossible – to conduct without dissension and disorder. Debates are increasingly infected with illogic, incivility, and invective. Murder, suicide, and other social pathologies are increasing.

At this point, traditionalists must recognize a few things.

First, differentiation is one of the foundational blocks of intelligence. If the radicals succeed in ensuring that none of our children can tell the difference between humans and animals, between men and women, between roles in life that are gender-appropriate, between fact and fiction, between sense and nonsense, we will have produced a nation of morons.[5]

Second, differentiating between good and evil is essential to living a healthy life. Moreover, our Creator has not left it up to us to decide what is good and evil; he has reserved that role for himself. In Exodus 20, he has given us ten commandments.

1st Set of Commandments

The first through fifth commandments (Exodus 20:2-12) define how we must maintain a proper relationship with Himself, whom He identifies as the God who delivered the Hebrews out of bondage.

    • First, He has told us that we must not recognize, let alone worship, any god but Him.
    • Second, He has told us that we must not fabricate, bow down to, or serve any idol.
    • Third, He has told us that we must not blaspheme – i.e. use the His name inappropriately – or otherwise use obscenities.
    • Fourth, He has told us that we must keep holy the Sabbath – i.e. follow His example by worshiping Him and resting on the seventh day of the week.
    • Fifth, He has told us to honor and obey our parents.[6]

2nd Set of Commandments

The sixth through tenth commandments (Exodus 20:13-17) define how we must maintain a proper relationship with one another.

    • Sixth, He has told us not to murder one another (v. 13), even children still in their mother’s wombs.
    • Seventh, He has told us not to be sexually impure with one another (v. 14), which means no fornication, adultery, homosexuality, bestiality, etc. (Sexual relations are to be confined to marriage between a man and a woman.)
    • Eighth, He has told us not to steal from one another (v. 15), even if the government does the stealing by favoring one group of businessmen over another or one group of citizens over another.
    • Ninth, He has told us not to bear false witness against one another (v. 16), even against nominees to the U.S. Supreme Court.
    • Tenth, He has told us not to covet one another’s circumstances, spouses, or goods (v. 17), even if we think they have been given an unfair advantage in life.

In addition, in Deuteronomy 28, our Creator has warned nations to honor him and his commandments, promising his blessings if a nation does so (verses 1-14) and his curses if a nation does not (verses 15-68).

We should ensure that every child in our communities are instructed in the above, because ignorance of them does not render him or her blameless.

Third, if individuals and nations tolerate any of the above sins, or worse, affirm them with special treatment and protection under their laws, they are doomed and will suffer the same fate that befell previous nations that engaged in evil practices: the Assyrians, Aztecs, Babylonians, pharaonic Egyptians, German Nazis, Incas, Macedonians, Ottomans, Persians, Romans, Seleucids – to name some past empires that come immediately to my mind.

Finally, I must remind my fellow Christians that God expects us to be “watchmen on the wall.” Honoring, obeying, and serving our Lord and Savior is important, but not sufficient. He has given us the responsibility of warning our neighbors of the fate that awaits the wicked. “When I say unto the wicked, ‘O wicked man, thou shalt surely die,’ if thou dost not speak to warn the wicked from his way, that wicked man shall die in his iniquity; but his blood will I require at thine hand. Nevertheless, if thou warn the wicked of his way to turn from it, if he do not turn from his way, he shall die in his iniquity; but thou hast delivered thy soul” (KJV Ezekiel 33:8-9).

Despite the valiant efforts of some Christians, darkness is rapidly overtaking our land. We need to be more urgent in our blowing of the watchman’s trumpet. If you are not doing so, start blowing. If you are already doing so, blow harder!

© 2019 John Holbrook Jr.

[1] I acknowledge that some Buddhists would disagree.

[2] Among humans, until recently these differences have always been a source of wonder and delight. As the French say, “Vive la difference!”

[3] Among humans, every cell in a person’s body contains 23 pairs of chromosomes, of which the last is the pair of sex chromosomes. Regarding the latter, a female’s 23rd pair contains two X chromosomes (XX) and a male’s 23rd pair contains one X chromosome and one Y chromosome (XY). This sex-coding is bi-polar – i.e. there are no other alternatives. Moreover, it is permanent; regardless of whatever mutilation a person’s body undergoes, his or her chromosomal information will not change.

[4] The unwavering proponents of this point of view must lack the capabilities for seeing, hearing, smelling, tasting, and touching.

[5] A nation of idiots is just what the confederation of groups flying the flag of “political correctness” is trying to achieve. Only then can the masters behind the scenes step in, seize control, and launch their new world order.

[6] I include the fifth commandment regarding the proper relationship with God in this first set because, in honoring our parents, we are honoring God, who gave them the authority over us to instruct and train us in living God-honoring and God-obeying lives.

The ultimate irony

by John Holbrook Jr.
A Biblical View, Blog #099 posted July 29, 2019, edited March 10, 2021.

During the Cold War, the USA’s leaders were still under the influence of Christianity to the point where Congress passed and President Eisenhower approved on July 30, 1956 a joint resolution to inscribe “In God We Trust” on the nation’s currency. At the same time, they were roundly condemning the Soviet Union’s leaders for (a) imposing atheism on the land it controlled, (b) abusing other nations, and (c) seeking to dominate the world. Now, the USA’s leaders are under the influence of Godless Secularism and are (a) imposing atheism on the land it controls, (b) abusing other nations and (c) seeking to dominate the world, and they are condemning Russia for showing signs of being God-fearing and motivated by Christian rather than secular values in their international relations and behavior.

A – Christianity role in each nation’s founding and formation

Both Russia and the USA were formed by Christianity, but in quite different ways.

A1 – Christianity in Russia

Russia was pagan until the 9th century AD, when Greek missionaries from Byzantium introduced Christianity into Kievan Rus. In the 10th century, Olga of Kiev visited Constantinople, where she was baptized. Although the rulers who followed her remained pagans, Tsar Vladimir the Great decided in the late 10th century that Russia needed a national religion that could bring with it unity, civility, and morals that fortified the realm and the family. He received representatives of several religions in Kiev and then sent out envoys to study lands that lived under Greek Orthodoxy, Islam, Judaism, and Roman Orthodoxy. After listening to their reports, Vladimir settled on Greek Orthodoxy, was baptized himself, and then insisted that residents in the urban cities of his empire undergo mass baptism. Thus began what became the Russian Orthodox Church.

For the next ten centuries, Russian Orthodoxy served as the national religion. It populated the land with beautifully designed cathedrals, churches, monasteries for both monks and nuns, and sacred shrines, all of which were furnished with beautiful iconography, illuminated manuscripts, bejeweled golden cups, saucers, plates, and crucifixes, and intricately carved wooden furniture and reredoses. Here, priests robed in finery and surrounded by clouds of incense conducted the rituals that sanctified the special events of family, communal, and national life, such as baptisms, marriages, burials, investitures of public officials, and coronations of the tsars.

Then in the early 20th century, Lenin and his Bolsheviks seized control of the country and, following the dictates of Marx, did their best to extinguish Christianity throughout Russia and replace it with atheism. Believers were stigmatized, persecuted, and exterminated, churches were converted to other uses or destroyed, and church contents, such as historic icons, manuscripts, and religious artifacts and furnishings were moved into museums or warehouses. Upon Lenin’s death and Stalin’s rise to power, the war on Christianity continued and produced the greatest atrocities in history thus far. It is estimated that Stalin was responsible for starving twenty million Christians to death in the Ukraine alone.

Russian Christianity survived, however, and, during the era of Mikhail Gorbachev’s policies of perestroika (political and economic reform) and glasnost (openness) c.1986-1991, began a slow revival. After the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991, religious freedom returned to the country, and Russian nationalists identified the Russian Orthodox Church as a major element of Russian culture. Churches were renovated, and their former contents that had survived were returned to their original locations. Moreover, although Russian Orthodoxy remained predominate, it was joined by Roman Catholicism and several strains of Protestantism.

Since his inauguration as Russian president in 2000, Vladimir Putin has often attended church services and exhibited a positive disposition toward Christianity’s revival throughout the country. It is difficult to assess the depth of his personal faith, but he has clearly indicated that a faith in God and an observance of Christian morals is important to the health and strength of mother Russia.

A2 – Christianity in the USA

Christianity arrived in Northern America from many European sources, the most important of which were the following: the Spanish explorers under Christopher Columbus in the late 15th century; the Spanish conquistadors and settlers in Florida and southern California in the early 17th century; the British colonists in Virginia and the Pilgrims and Puritans in Massachusetts also in the early 17th century; and the French colonists (a) along the waterways from the Gulf of Saint Lawrence in the east to Lake Superior in the west and (b) along the northern coast of the Gulf of Mexico in the late 17th century. Because these Europeans were always advancing into uncultivated grasslands and virgin forests, often occupied by either dangerous animals or hostile Indians or both, the churches which they built tended to be austere, lacking in either impressive architecture or sumptuous furnishings. Services were conducted by itinerant preachers or by local pastors or laymen and consisted mostly of hymn-singing, corporate prayer, and Bible-study.

Due to the many Christian sects that existed in America at the time, the founders of the USA in the late 18th century inserted in the Constitution a clause that forbade the federal government from interfering in religion in any way.[1] It is important to note, however, that this clause was not intended to separate Church and State, as so many secularists maintain today, but only to prevent the federal government from adopting one of the Christian sects as the national religion and forcing the states and individuals to observe it; the states and individuals were left free to adopt the sects which they preferred. Unfortunately the multiplication of Christian sects of every kind eventually led to the acceptance of every kind of religion, including atheism, which denies that God exists and argues that man himself is sovereign over the world.

A3 – Differences between Russian and American Christianity.

Paul Grenier, an essayist and founder of the Simone Weil Center for Political Philosophy, has written two articles for The American Conservative (TAC) that I find germane to the issue that I am discussing.

Grenier wrote an article for TAC’s January/February 2017 issue entitled, “The Legitimate Differences,” in which he points out that Russia and the United States have focused on very different aspects of Christianity. “American Protestantism embraces individualism and is open to change; in many ways it has hitched its cart to the modernization project.[2] Russian Orthodox Christianity uses virtually the same liturgy today as it has for hundreds of years…. Russian spirituality is oriented to what is timeless and to beauty. American spirituality is oriented to the future and to rights.”

Although Grenier’s observations on the differences between Russian and American “spirituality” are apt to a point, I would express them differently. From the beginning, Russian leaders were interested in the ability of a national religion – specifically Russian Orthodoxy – to infuse the national culture with spirituality and uniformity.[3] Also from the beginning, American leaders were  wary of a national religion because so many of them had experienced at first hand the abuses of a national religion under the heavy hand of monarchs like King Henry the Eighth of England. Thus, they emphasized Christianity’s salvific and transforming effects on the individual, partly because of the centrality of Christ’s Gospel to Christianity, but also partly, I think, because of the founders’ exclusion of the federal government from the religious realm.[4]  As a result, it seems to me that, broadly speaking, Russian Christianity emphasizes the relationship between God and the community, and American Christianity emphasizes the relationship between God and the individual.

A4 – Religious developments in the 20th century

While the Russian atheists were trying to eradicate Christianity with the sword during the communist era (1917-1991), American atheists were infiltrating the critical institutions of American society (foundations, media outlets, political parties, private schools and universities, and state public schools with the intention of seizing control of them and using them to unseat Christianity from its prominent and preferential place in American life. The two campaigns have had opposite effects.

The campaign in Russia failed, and since the collapse of the Soviet Union, Christianity has experienced a revival in the land.

The campaign in the USA, which is still on-going, has experienced remarkable success, to the point that (a) Secular Humanism has replaced Christianity as the preferred religion, and (b) Secular Humanists feel free to despise, disparage, and dismiss Christianity and Christians at every opportunity. Moreover, if what has transpired in history is any indication, their destruction may be just around the corner. That success has come at a terrible price, however, as the culture which Secular Humanism has produced is decadent and disgusting in the extreme,[5] as well as increasingly unable to make common sense distinctions between good and evil, male and female, truth and falsehood, historic facts and fables, science and scientism, etc.

B – The impact of the above on foreign relations

B1 – Current Russian and American approaches to foreign affairs

Grenier wrote another article for TAC’s January/February 2018 issue entitled “A Conference in Moscow,” in which he describes a symposium that he attended in Moscow. Its purpose was to discuss and possibly identify the root causes underlying the current hostility between Russian and the USA. Its attendees were highly intelligent and well informed men of some distinction. Thus, it provides me with an excellent example with which to make my point.

Apparently one of the conferences attendees, Paul Robinson, Professor of Public and International Affairs at the University of Ottawa, set the framework for the discussion as follows. He drew a sharp distinction between the expectations with which the two nations approach formulating foreign policy. I will characterize the distinction as follows:

•  Russia proceeds on the basis that there should be one set rules that govern its interactions with all other nations and that the objective of its diplomacy should be agreement between it and other nations concerning what those rules should be.

•  The USA, on the other hand, proceeds on the basis that there should be two sets of rules and that, because it is preeminent in world affairs, it has the right – and the duty – to establish what they should be and to whom they should apply. The first applies to nations that exhibit the proper degree of subservience to the USA and at least some willingness to amend their stance on individual human rights in order to conform to the USA’s views on the subject. They will be treated as valuable – although junior – partners to whom civility and even friendship are owed. The second applies to nations that refuse to exhibit the proper degree of subservience to the USA and put the needs of their communities above the rights of their individual citizens. Such nations, I would add, can be treated as implacable enemies to whom incivility and even hostility can be shown. Even worse, they may be isolated, undermined, attacked, and even destroyed without significant moral pangs.

B2 – The irony in the current situation

As the title of this essay states, the ultimate irony in this situation is that, to a great extent, Russian and the USA have switched places. The USA is now doing everything that we condemned Russia for doing in the 1950s.

B3 – What each nation can expect

When I compare the Russian and American approaches to foreign policy, two things strike me.

•  Neither nation’s leaders are considering that God’s sole criterion for blessing or cursing a nation is whether or not it is honoring God and his commandments (see my blog of July 22, 2019). They share the erroneous assumption that a nation’s treatment of God has nothing to do with its peace and prosperity. Thus, to use a naval metaphor, I will state categorically that they are polishing the brass on their respective ships of state while those ships are steaming full speed ahead into harm’s way.

•  The USA is worse off than the Russians. If Professor Robinson’s descriptions are accurate, Russia’s approach to foreign affairs is somewhat reasonable, equitable, and peaceable, whereas the USA’s approach, is definitely arrogant, self-serving, and belligerent. I still cringe whenever I think of Secretary of State Madeleine Albright’s reference in 1998 to the USA as the world’s “indispensable nation.” Since then I imagine that many other nations have become tired of Americans constantly preaching to them, meddling in their internal affairs, and even coercing them with economic and military sanctions. I wouldn’t blame them if they now regard the USA as the world’s “dispensable nation.”

Americans, particularly Americans in leadership positions, need to remember the warning in KJV Proverbs 16:18 – “Pride goeth before destruction, and a haughty spirit before a fall….” We had better wake up soon or we will suddenly find our country in shambles. In fact, in many respects we are already there. Read the passages in Deuteronomy 28 concerning God’s curses on a nation that dishonors and disobeys him (verses 15-68) and then just look around you.

© 2019 John Holbrook Jr.

[1] Few Americans today have studied the Constitution and realize that it has one objective – limiting the powers of the federal government so that it cannot curtail the freedoms or frustrate the wills of the states and individual citizens in any way. Unfortunately, under the influence of presidents like Woodrow Wilson, Franklin D. Roosevelt, and Lyndon B. Johnson and Supreme Court justices like Earl Warren, most of what goes on in Washington today is unconstitutional. The city is filled with people who think they know better than the American people themselves how the affairs of the nation should be conducted – to say nothing of their desire and determination to become rich and powerful at the taxpayers’ expense.

[2] Indeed. The desire to appear au courant and comfortably aligned with modern science and scholarship has caused many clergymen to doubt first the Bible’s inerrancy and then the Bible’s authority, at which point they have left the narrow and difficult path that leads to life and moved over to the wide and easy path that leads to destruction (see Matthew 7:13-14). Worse, the majority of their congregants have followed after them, and much of what is still called “American Christianity” is now apostate.

[3] The individual’s need for Christ’s atonement for his or her sin took back seat.

[4] What American Christianity stressed was the Christian Gospel.

[5] I include in this indictment all forms of artistic expression, such as architecture, cinema, dance, designer-dress, drama, literature, music, painting, photography, sculpture, etc., as well as every day language in both public and private settings.

Russell Vought and Bernie Sanders

by John Holbrook Jr.
A Biblical View, Blog #051 posted June 12, 2017, edited December 2, 2020.

The exchange between Mr. Russell Vought and Senator Bernie Sanders during the Senate hearing on June 7, 2017 concerning Mr. Vought’s appointment to Deputy Director of the White House Office of Management and Budget perpetuated and to some extent legitimized two erroneous ideas: (1) that the U.S. Constitution permits the application of a religious test for federal office and (2) that Christianity maintains that people are “condemned” for not believing in Jesus.

The first issue is straightforward and simple. Article VI of the U.S. Constitution states, “…no religious Test shall ever be required as a Qualification to any Office or public Trust under the United States.” That a US senator was ignorant of or – worse – chose to ignore this proscription is stunning. He should apologize to Mr. Vought or be censured by his colleagues.

The second issue is also straightforward, but more complex than the first. The Bible indicates that people are condemned by their sinfulness – not their unbelief in Jesus. In order to demonstrate this, I need to explain mankind’s predicament and God’s solution to it.

First, mankind’s predicament: Every man, woman, and child is born a sinner. King David wrote, “Behold, I was shaped in iniquity, and in sin did my mother conceive me” (KJ21 Psalm 51:5). That applies to Mr. Vought. That applies to Senator Sanders. That applies to me. That applies to you. There are no exceptions. Every person begins life condemned. Moreover, every person remains a sinner in God’s eyes. King David wrote, “…there is none that doeth good; no, not one” (Psalm 14:3, 53:3) and Paul wrote, “There is none righteous, no, not one” (KJ21 Psalm 14:3, KJ21 Romans 3:10). Finally, the penalty for sin is death – physical death and spiritual death. Paul wrote, “…the wages of sin is death…” (Romans 6:23). The foregoing is what I call the “bad news.”

Second, God’s solution to mankind’s predicament: The following is what God’s Word, the Bible, calls the Gospel or “good news.” In fulfillment of all the prophecies concerning the Messiah in the Tenakh (Old Testament), God sent his Son into the world in the person of Jesus, the Jewish carpenter from Nazareth, to save people – i.e. to die on a cross to atone for the sins of anyone who accepts Him as his or her Savior and Lord. As Isaiah prophesized, “All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned every one to his own way; and the LORD hath laid on Him the iniquity of us all” (KJ21 Isaiah 53:6). God did not send his Son into the world to condemn people. “For God sent not His son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through Him might be saved” (KJ21 John 3:17). Moreover, salvation is a free gift from God – not something a person can earn. “For by grace are ye saved through faith, and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God – not by works, lest any man should boast” (KJ21 Ephesians 2:8-9). It cannot be earned. It cannot be bought. It can only be received with humility and gratitude at the feet of a gracious sovereign.

Third, the universality and the exclusivity of the Gospel: The Gospel is universal, because it offers salvation to everyone. Paul wrote, “For I am not ashamed of the Gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one who believeth; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek [or Gentile]” (KJ21 Romans 1:16). The Gospel is also exclusive, because the only source of salvation is faith and trust in the finished work of Jesus, the Jewish Messiah. Referring to “the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth” (KJ21 Acts 4:10), Peter said to the rulers, priests, and scribes of Israel, “Neither is there salvation in any other [name], for there is no other name under heaven given among men whereby we must be saved” (KJ21 Acts 4:12). God insists that sinners approach him through his Son, “For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus, who gave Himself a ransom for all…” (21KJ 1 Timothy 2:5).

The difference between the approach to God advocated by the Gospel and the approach to God advocated by the world’s religions is that the Gospel focuses on what God has done to make people acceptable to himself whereas the approach to God advocated by the world’s religions, including Judaism, Islam, and even much of institutional Christianity, focuses on what a person must do to become acceptable to God. He or she must ascribe to certain creeds, wear certain clothing, eat or not eat certain foods, perform certain rites, undertake certain works, etc. A person can exhaust himself or herself doing all these things, but in the end he or she will fail to please God. To repeat myself, acceptance by God cannot be earned or bought.

If you sincerely want to be acceptable to God, start seeking Jesus. Start reading the Bible, for Jesus said, “Search the scriptures; …it is they which testify of me” (21KJ John 5:39). As you search, keep in mind the following verse: “…without faith it is impossible to please Him. For he that cometh to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of them that diligently seek Him” (KJ21 Hebrews 11:6).

I wish that my brother Russell had countered Senator Sander’s attack on him with a proclamation of the Gospel, not the refrain “I am a Christian,” which explained nothing. Perhaps next time.

© 2017 John Holbrook Jr.


What issue is missing from the 2016 election debates?

by John Holbrook Jr.
A Biblical View, Blog #005 posted August 15, 2016, edited March 9, 2021.

The Bible indicates that God holds nations responsible for the collective behavior of their citizens. Moreover, because they will not survive into eternity, nations are judged by God in the here and now. The Bible also describes the criteria by which nations will be judged in simple, easy to understand terms. When judgment comes, no one can claim to be surprised.

The American people know that something in the United States of America (USA) is very wrong, and the tenor of the election debates of both the Democratic Party and the Republican Party reflect it. The presidential candidates are arguing about how to fix an overweening executive, a paralyzed congress, a legislating judiciary, a weakening military, an inept foreign policy, a disintegrating infrastructure,  a broken health care system, illegal immigration, incompetent schools, extreme income inequality, the ubiquitous use of drugs, overflowing prisons, racism, the debasement of our currency and the consequent escalation of prices, exploding student debt, the exportation of jobs, political corruption, business corruption, polluted water sources, climate change, the size and incompetence of the federal government, and its engagement in a seemingly endless series of wars – to name just a few.

Unfortunately, while all of the above are real problems, they are symptoms of a lethal malady, not the malady itself. The candidates can argue about these symptoms week after week, but they will not serve the nation by doing so. They need to address the malady itself.

The malady is an integrated combination of apostasy and moral degeneracy.

First, let’s look at apostasy. This nation was initiated by Christians who took their faith in God seriously. That faith was clearly expressed in Christopher Columbus’s diary (1492), the Mayflower Contract (1620), Governor John Winthrop’s sermon on the Arabella (1630), the proclamations of national fastdays by presidents John Adams (1798), James Madison (1812), and Abraham Lincoln (1863), President Franklin Roosevelt’s D-Day prayer (1944), and countless other national and state documents. As recently as 1956, the U.S. Congress voted to put “In God We Trust” on the country’s currency. Moreover, our legislative sessions, public events, and school days started with prayer and ended with invocations of God’s blessings on America. Since then we have banned prayer at public events and in our schools and tolerated the endless attempts by an atheistic minority to purge the public square of all mention of or indications of our allegiance to God.

Second, let’s look at moral degeneracy.

Let’s start with the Federal Government. The founders of the USA recognized the Biblical truth that men are depraved and unable to resist the temptation to exercise dominion over others, and consequently they crafted a constitution that was designed to thwart the agglomeration of power by the federal government and to prevent the concentration of its power in the hands of a few. The founders knew, however, that the future of their experiment was uncertain. When he was leaving Independence Hall and was asked by a lady what kind of government the Constitutional Convention had produced, Ben Franklin answered, “A republic, if you can keep it.”[1]  For 175 years, we managed to keep it, but then things began to go awry. The nation’s leaders (presidents, congressmen, and justices alike) increasingly disregarded the U.S. Constitution, which they had sworn to uphold, and began transforming the U.S. Government into the largest, most profligate, and most aggressive bureaucracy the world has ever seen. Now the USA is the epitome of a juggernaut that rolls over, not only its own citizens, but the people of other nations under the arrogant misperception that (a) its political structure, which is largely disregarded by its leaders, is appropriate for all peoples, regardless of their national history, and (b) its commercialism, which is transmuting the planet’s resources into an ugly heap of cheap[2] consumer products, and (c) its culture, which exhibits all the characteristics of a cesspool, must be imposed on the entire globe.

Do you think I exaggerate calling our culture a cesspool? I invite you to look in the mirror at ourselves. We now engage in behavior that would have horrified the vast majority of our county’s early settlers:

1 – We are inattentive to the triune God of the Bible. Read commandment #1 of the Decalogue in Exodus 20:2-3.

2 – We worship other gods, such as Mammon and the god of Convenience. Read commandment #2 of the Decalogue in Exodus 20:4-6.

3 – We engage in profanity,[3] blasphemy,[4] and obscenity,[5] all of which are abhorrent to God. This torrent of filth emerges from the mouths of our presidents, congressmen, justices, military commanders, corporate executives, professional athletes, etc., as well as ordinary men, women, and children. It can be heard in our homes, schools, workplaces, streets, theaters, etc. and on our radios and TV sets. It is ubiquitous in the land. Read commandment #3 of the Decalogue in Exodus 20:7.

4 – We ignore the Sabbath. Instead of honoring the Lord on His day, we engage in both work and every form of play. Read commandment #4 of the Decalogue in Exodus 20:8-11.

5 – We warehouse our elderly parents in old-age homes and have even legalized and promoted their euthanasia. Moreover teachers in our government schools advise children to disregard what their parents tell them and adopt politically correct attitudes and behavior. Read commandment #5 of the Decalogue in Exodus 20:12.

6 – We murder our babies in their mothers’ wombs, and we have even legalized and promoted their murder both here and abroad. Read commandment #6 of the Decalogue in Exodus 20:13.

7 – We engage in fornication, adultery, homosexuality, and even bestiality[6] without fear of corrective censure, let alone legal penalty. Read commandment #7 of the Decalogue in Exodus 20:14, substituting “sexual impurity” for “adultery,” because all of the foregoing are abhorrent to God.

8 – We steal from one another in every form imaginable. For instance, we cheat on our tax returns; we take home supplies from our workplaces; we refuse to pay our employees living wages, let alone compensate them for working overtime; we inflate our working hours; we pad our expense accounts; we loot stores during rowdy demonstrations; and we steal from one another at the point of a gun. Read commandment #8 of the Decalogue in Exodus 20:15.

9 – We bear false witness against one another by gossiping and by issuing false reports of every kind. Read commandment #9 of the Decalogue in Exodus 20: 16.

10 – We are covetous, always wanting more, and we promote covetousness in others with advertising that is designed to render them discontent with what they have and to buy things that they don’t need. The worst offenders here are the federal and state governments (e.g. the lotto) and big businesses, which spend tens of billions of dollars each year on advertising. Read commandment #10 of the Decalogue in Exodus 20: 17.

Some of our leaders have issued warnings to us, but we have failed to heed them.

Consider what President Abraham Lincoln wrote in his call for a national day of prayer in 1863:

…it is the duty of nations, as well as of men, to owe their dependence upon the overruling power of God; to confess their sins and transgressions in humble sorrow, yet with assured hope that genuine repentance will lead to mercy and pardon; and to recognize the sublime truth, announced in the Holy Scriptures and proven by all history, that those nations only are blessed whose God is the Lord.

We have been the recipients of the choicest blessings of heaven. We have been preserved, these many years, in peace and prosperity. We have grown in numbers, wealth and power as no other nation has ever grown; but we have forgotten God. We have forgotten the gracious hand which preserved us in peace, and multiplied and enriched and strengthened us; and we have vainly imagined, in the deceitfulness of our hearts, that all these blessings were produced by some superior wisdom and virtue of our own. Intoxicated with unbroken success, we have become too self-sufficient to feel the necessity of redeeming and preserving grace, too proud to pray to the God that made us:

It behooves us, then, to humble ourselves before the offended Power, to confess our national sins, and to pray for clemency and forgiveness.

Even more important, God has issued warnings in his Word, the Bible, but we have failed to heed him, in whose almighty hands lies our destiny. In Deuteronomy 28, God issued a charge to the nation of Israel, which was chosen by God to be an example to all other nations. If you read the chapter in its entirety, you will note that Israel’s fate will be determined solely by its people’s faithfulness to God and their obedience to God’s commandments – not by any attributes of their own, such as effective governance, sound money management, quality education, military might, efficient production, successful marketing, or creative art and architecture. God governs the fate of a nation by manipulating every aspect of its life that affects its health and prosperity, such as the harmony or disharmony among its people, the amity or belligerence of its neighbors, and the weather to which it is subject. Nothing lies outside his control. The first two verses state:

And it shall come to pass, if thou shalt hearken diligently unto the voice of the LORD thy God, to observe and to do all his commandments which I command thee this day, that the LORD thy God will set thee on high above all nations of the earth: And all these blessings shall come on thee, and overtake thee, if thou shalt hearken unto the voice of the LORD thy God.

The next twelve verses tell how God will bless their faithfulness. I find verse 6 the most poignant: “Blessed shalt thou be when thou comest in, and blessed shalt thou be when thou goest out.” That means that God will bless the nation regardless of what its people do or how well they do it.

Then comes verse 15:

But it shall come to pass, if thou wilt not hearken unto the voice of the LORD thy God, to observe to do all his commandments and his statutes which I command thee this day; that all these curses shall come upon thee, and overtake thee.

The next 52 verses tell how God will curse their unfaithfulness: Again I find verse 19 the most poignant: “Cursed shalt thou be when thou comest in, and cursed shalt thou be when thou goest out.” That means that God will curse the nation regardless of what its people do or how well they do it. If you read down the list of the ways in which God will curse the nation, you will find the USA suffering from almost every one of them. That should serve as an alarm bell to us; it is the sound of the Tocsin of Doom.

The presidential candidates are neglecting the only topic that will affect the USA’s future – its apostasy and moral degeneracy. They need to stop talking about ameliorating the symptoms of these maladies and start talking about the need for repentance and prayer. The hour is very, very, very late.

I leave you with a final thought. The author of Hebrews wrote: “It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God.” [7]

© 2016 John Holbrook Jr.


[1] Franklin’s remark was overheard and recorded by Dr. James McHenry, one of Maryland’s delegates to the convention.

[2] Cheap in every sense of the word.

[3] Profanity is the misuse of God’s name.

[4] Blasphemy is the willful degradation of God’s name, either by word or by deed (e.g. the creation in 1987 of “Piss Christ” by Andre Serrano, its funding in 1986 by the National Endowment for the Arts, its citation in 1987 by the Southeastern Center for Contemporary Arts, accompanied by an award of $15,000, and its display in 1989 by the Brooklyn Museum in New York City).

[5] Obscenity is the misuse of references to bodily parts, functions, and excrement with the purpose of being shocking and repulsive.

[7] KJV Hebrews 10:31.