Comments policy

Comments are welcomed and encouraged on this site, but we reserve the right to delete any comments submitted to it without notice. Moreover, this Comments Policy is subject to change at any time.

Here are some instances in which comments will be deleted:

1-A comment not in English will be deleted. We are not competent in other languages and cannot spend our time translating.

2-An anonymous comment will be deleted. We only accept comments from authors who identify themselves.

3-A comment without clear evidence (a) that its author has read the document to which he is responding and (b) that his comment is addressing the document’s topic will be deleted.

4-A comment deemed to be spam or promotional in nature will be deleted.

5-A comment containing offensive language, such as blasphemy, obscenity, profanity, etc., will be deleted.

6-A comment containing encouragement to engage in illegal or biblically immoral  behavior will be deleted.

7-A comment which defames, harasses, libels, threatens, or otherwise attacks any individual or organization will be deleted.

8-A comment which refers to materials elsewhere that are relevant to the poster’s point is acceptable. It may even include internet addresses, but it may not include active hyperlinks.

In an instance in which we find a comment acceptable if it were slightly edited, we will contact its author with our suggested changes.

In summary, we welcome reasonable and respectful comments concerning the topics that are addressed on this website.  

If you have any questions about this Comments Policy, please let us know at Comments @


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