
Having reached my mid-eighties, I spend most of my time writing because I want to share what I have learned about (a) the world and life in general and (b) epistemology, the Bible, God, mankind, ancient chronology, natural history (including global cataclysms and the geologic consequences of them), human history, God’s Chosen People (Israel), and God’s institutions (the individual, the family, the church, and the state) in particular. I pray that my readers will benefit from what I have written.

For many years, I posted drafts of my books on this site and updated them regularly, but recently I removed them from the site because I was warned that the danger of piracy has become severe.

Books published

My first book, MY SEARCH FOR THE TRUTH –  a prolegomenon has been published and is now available on (see the link on its page). It explains the basis for my intellectual approach to everything. It provides reasonable reasons for looking at the world through a Biblical lens, regardless of your role in life.

Books being prepared for publication

The following books are near completion and being prepared for publication.

A BIBLICAL VIEW OF NEARLY EVERYTHING – through the eyes of a curious architect – This book provides reasons for looking at the world through a Biblical lens. It argues that, if one is seriously seeking the truth, all investigation of Universe must start in the Bible and any scientific or scholarly theories which cannot accommodate what the Bible says must be revised. It is divided into six, stand-alone volumes:

      • Volume 1 – The Foundations examines some of the reasons for trusting the Bible as the Word of God written and therefore as authoritative in all its particulars. It then looks at (a) what the Bible says about the God who created and sustains Universe and (b) the nature of sin and human nature.
      • Volume 2 – Ancient Chronology examines the chronology of the ancient world in the Bible and then synchronizes Bible chronology and the Gregorian calendar.
      • Volume 3 – Natural History examines natural history and demonstrates how catastrophes in the Bible divide history into two main periods: the Prehistoric Period, which consists of three eras, and the Historic Era, which also consists of the three eras.
      • Volume 4 – Human History examines all of human history, with particular emphasis on the ancient nations.
      • Volume 5 – God’s Chosen People examines God’s election of the Hebrews to be “the apple of his eye” (Zechariah 2:8).
      • Volume 6 – God’s Institutions  examines the four institutions which God established and through which he deals with mankind (the individual, the family, the congregation, and the nation).

THE DRAMA OF JOB – This book argues that the Book of Job is structured as a dramatic play. It consists of a prologue, three acts, and an epilogue. Its purpose is to give its audience an explanation of reality: first with a glimpse of reality in Act 1, which reveals that God is sovereign over both heaven and earth, including Satan; then with the futile attempt of five men to explain reality in Act 2, in which Job’s four friends hold Job responsible for his ordeal and Job protests that he is not; and then with a definitive revelation of reality by the Creator himself (Job 38-41 is perhaps the most beautiful, awe inspiring passage in the Bible) in Act 3, in which God essentially says, all you need to know is that “I AM.” Moreover the play’s structure, number of characters, number of times each character speaks, etc. reveal mathematical patterns and meanings of interest to students of gematria, Bible Numerics, and Theomatics.

COMMENTARY ON THE BOOK OF REVELATION – Years after I wrote the draft of this book, I read Romanism and the Reformation from the Standpoint of Prophecy by H. Grattan Guinness. It was originally published in 1887, but was republished in 2020 by the It is so much better than what I had written thus far that I decided to stop working on my book and recommend Guinness’s book to anyone interested in the Book of Revelation.

IMMANUEL VELIKOVSKY – a towering intellect I have always been interested in ancient history and mythology. In 1962, I encountered Immanuel Velikovsky’s Oedipus and Akhnaton, which I bought and read. It set me on a path that led to my meeting Velikovsky in 1965 and assisting him in any way that I could for the next fourteen years. This book is a collection of some of the writing that I have done concerning him and his theories. Velikovsky died in 1979. In 1980, I was converted from an atheistic humanist to a born-again Christian and persuaded that the Bible is completely trustworthy. Until then, I had viewed the Bible as just one historical source among many. After 1980, I regarded it as the authoritative source, to which all scholarly and scientific theories must conform, including those put forward by Velikovsky. As a result, although I have a high regard for Velikovsky’s brilliant work, you will find that I depart from his conclusions in many respects.

SERMONS AND TALKS – This book is a collection of some of the devotionals. eulogies, homilies, sermons, talks, toasts, etc. that I have delivered over the years.

BOOK OF PRAYERS – This book of prayer can be used by anyone. Regarding the prayers which I wrote, I have replaced personal names with titles. Regarding the prayers which others wrote, I have often changed pronouns to adapt them to the context. I have used these prayers in both private devotions and public settings (mostly church services) for almost forty years. I hope and pray that this book of prayer will enable its users to deepen and strengthen their relationship with Almighty God.

MISCELLANEOUS ESSAYS – This book is a collection of essays on a wide variety of subjects that I have written over the years. Many of them began as studies of particular issues. Some of them appear in chapters and appendices in my other books, in which case please excuse the repetition. Others were created for specific purposes – e.g. a class, a sermon, a talk, etc.

BIBLE CLASSES – at the Church of Our Saviour  – This book contains the outlines which I prepared for the Bible classes that I taught for a few years at the Church of Our Saviour in New Lebanon, NY. 

TIMELINES OF THE ANCIENT NATIONS – This book describes (a) a structure for world history and (b) timelines for the nations that fit into this structure. Both are based on what the Bible has to say about ancient chronology, natural history, and human history.

Books in process

CONFESSIONS OF A MINNOW – This book is an autobiography which is focused mostly on my spiritual development and the many things that I learned about life in general and myself in particular during the last eight and a half decades. After much reflection, I realized that I am but a tiny minnow in the tumultuous seas of human history.

AMERICA UNDONE – This book addresses the transformation of the United States of America from a constitutional republic in the hands of well educated, mostly Christian, amateur statesmen into a pure democracy in the hands of venal, mostly humanist, professional politicians, with its resulting decline into decadence, dishonesty, disunity, and domination by a globalist oligarchy.

Books which may be published

HANDBOOK OF FACTORS – This book was started by the author for his own use. He intended that it be a reference manual for the factors in every number from 1 to 9,999. The importance of factors becomes evident to anyone interested in a serious investigation of Universe. They play a role in everything from atomic science to the numerical patterns and symbolic meanings embedded in the Bible. When the author got toward the end of Table G (6000-6999), however, he discovered that algorithms that produced the factors for any number had become available on the internet. He used one of the algorithms to produce a few hundred more entries in the manual, but then decided that the convenience of possessing a complete manual did not warrant the effort involved in completing it. So it is incomplete, stopping at 7100. Nonetheless, it can be useful at times.

HANDBOOK OF ANCIENT EGYPTIAN ARCHITECTURE – While I was at the School of Architecture, I took a course on ancient Egyptian architecture which was taught by Kelly Simpson, Yale’s professor of Egyptology. To help me keep track of the many structures which we examined, I drew a simple sketch of each building and identified it by name and the dynasty during whose rule it was built. Here I have ordered them according to the ancient chronology that I have developed.

ARCHIVE OF BLOGS ON ABIBLICALVIEW.COM – This book contains the blogs that have appeared on since day 1 – over 120 – in order of their appearance.  The most recent of them appear on the list of blogs below the main menu.

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